Saturday, September 27, 2014

Police statists pissed that Google and Apple are locking them out of their illegal spying.

Yesterday the headlines reinforced my views that the police state will be a victim of the new herd direction toward conservatism.  Most people are under the misguided impression that the US government can do whatever it wants to.  This appears to be true for an extended period of time and so it becomes the reality for many people, especially those who do not understand history or economics.  The truth is that no matter how arrogant and out of control the government and its jackbooted security apparatus might seem to be, it all exists at the pleasure of the herd.  When the annoyance becomes too great for the herd in aggregate, the fly gets swatted from the ass of the herd.

The herd is, in many ways, like water.  It takes the path of least resistance.  That is not to say that the herd never has to fight hard in order to get where it wants to go.  A flowing river will eventually turn into rapids as well.  But water doesn't first try to run uphill.  It will only go uphill if the pressure behind it is very high and there is no other choice.  But make no mistake: the power of moving water is an unstoppable force under these circumstances.  Likewise, the herd doesn't go looking for a fight.  It even accepts and enables the predators to take down some food here and there if it means prosperity for the herd in aggregate.  But when too many in the herd begin to go hungry or be otherwise negatively affected, especially if it reaches up to the level of the strongest of the herd, change will ensueAt that point the needs and wants of the parasites do not matter.  At that point, the herd shows who is really in charge and who has really been in charge the whole time: the producers and not the parasites.  Why?  You cannot have parasitism without first having production.  It is economics 101.  The interesting part of this is how quickly it in fact can happen so keep this in mind: the reason it can take place seemingly so quickly is that it was never anything more than an illusion, a dream if you will, in the first place.

So what were these headlines?  Simply that the leaders of our modern communications technology companies are filling the security holes that they knew existed all along and which they knew all along that the government was tapping into.  As long as their customers didn't complain, all the major tech firms went along with parasitical demands and threats from government to turn over names, open up access, etc. in order to enable illegal spying.   Because of the initial compliance, government became emboldened and began to think it had rights to the information.  This is obvious based on the comments from that link by FBI parasite James Comey.

But then a funny thing happened on the way to government tyranny (i.e. government believing that is is actually the master over the people instead of the servant of the people): as the rank and file began to feel the effects of a slowing credit supply, it began to cut into sales and profits at the leaders.  The reduction in buying power of the middle class began to manifest itself in a variety of ways, including a new and broad awareness and caring about government spying on the people.  The people have known it was going on for a long time but they put up with it because a well fed herd is a happy herd.  But now the herd is getting finicky and picky and are no longer ignoring things that used to be ignored.  All of a sudden, sales are down and government spying is cited as one of the causes.  Because of this, personal communications security has become a selling point and now the leaders are moving quickly to sell into it.

There is no recovery from this for government blowhards.  The Congress is rightfully afraid of the people and so it will not legislate a requirement for un-secure phones.  Google, Apple and others are just going to continue doing what is in the best interest of pursuit of profit, James "parasite-traitor" Comey be damnedIn other words, the parasites will be reduced not because they want to but because there is no other option available to them.  This is not news to me because I understand something very basic: parasitism cannot exist without production.  If the host is defenseless the parasite eventually kills the host and both host and parasite perish.  But if the host has defenses, political antibodies if you will, then the host will fight back once the need for survival becomes obvious.  In the USA we have the unalienable right to keep and bear arms. This is the one and only effective antibody against government tyranny.  Always has been, always will be.  Protesting in the streets happens all over the world, often to no effect.  The jackboots simply roll in, kill some and scare the rest off, problem solved.  Our founders knew this and so the 2nd amendment was, well, the second unalienable right they provided us, directly after that all important right of free speech.  This is why patriots will band together and use deadly force against anyone who tries to use deadly force to take our guns.  Failure to do so is like contracting a terminal form of cancer for the host.

Because so many Americans own modern assault rifles, I am zero afraid that the US government will be able to enslave our population.  There is considerable chance that they will continue try but it is already doomed to failure simply because the people are well armed and are now awake enough and pissed enough to the point of expending effort on self-organization for self-defense from government.  I was clear about this in my coverage of the Bundy Ranch Revolution.

More recent proof points keep rolling in.  Perhaps the latest is where the Police Chief of Ferguson publicly apologized for the circumstances of the police initiated murder that recently happened there and his cushy job is now under attack.  Do you think the police would be on the defensive if they could just use force to get their way?  I think not!  That fat, Jabba-The-Hutt wannabe Ferguson would be standing proud and tall in his dress blues talking about how the police will contain the uprising.  Instead of apologizing and answering tough questions about how the people want him removed from his job, he would be using police might to make things right for Team Tyranny.  But he got scared by how the people banded together (look at him swallow hard during the interview...) and he knew that any police violence against the people would be met with counter violence by a heavily armed and very pissed population.  The police would die in any kind of real gun battle here.  It would not take much to see a full on insurrection occur at this point.  The government in Ferguson either backs down with conviction or it will be force-ably removed just as is happening all over the world.
While Jabba's apologies mean nothing to the family of the deceased, they DO mean something to the rest of us.  These are herding signals sent out and received across the country by both producers and parasites.  They signal that police are no longer getting away with shooting first and then asking questions never.  These early apologies are left handed at best.  For example, Jabba's was done in civilian clothing, not in a police dress uniform.  That is a clear attempt to compartmentalize the man from the organization.  But for this very reason it will not prove satisfying and the herd will not be quieted.  It will in fact motivate the herd to demand more.  Change is coming to Ferguson and the rest of the nation is watching.   Soon we will begin seeing police officers prosecuted for murder.  This is what will eventually change the mindset of the jackboots - when their own control system is turned against them.  When the centurions figure out that the system no longer has their back, they will be much slower to attack.

So I will close with another open message to the centurions of the establishment, the POLICyEnforcers, the LEOs: You folks fall into one of four major catagories:
  1. Smart good cops.
  2. Smart corrupt cops.
  3. Dumb good cops.
  4. Dumb corrupt cops.
You who fall into category 1 have already made your  voice clear.  You are the cops who have publicly stated that you will not support Tyranny and that the constitution is the law of the land.  We the people are glad to support you.  Yes, we will be cutting your pay, benefits, pension and overtime in locked step to what has happened to everyone else in society.  This is done unapologetically. Either accept the new deal or go find a better job in the civilian sector.  If you decide you can do better as a producer than as a consumer then we thank you for past service and wish you the best of luck going forward.  But if you dig your heels in for outsized pay and benefits, we will absolutely destroy you.  Capich?

You who fall into category 2: the true measure of your intelligence will be to know when the jig is up.  You have fucked the people over for a long time and gotten away with it but now you need to mend fences and get your minds right regarding the new social order that is coming.  Don't wait for us to come after you!  Change now, take what ill-begotten gains you have already stolen and let enough be enough.  Failure to do this right here, right now means you are not a #2 but rather a #4.

You who fall into category 3: you have played the role of conforming sheeple in the department long enough.  You have allowed the peer pressure to push you around and you have allowed your valid concerns that police work is the only thing that you are intellectually capable of doing to guide your actions too long.  You know what is right and what is wrong and it has been weighing on you.  So decide now if you are going to grow the balls it will take to stay in the employ of the people or whether you should consider a new career in ditch digging.  But regardless of what you decide, know this:  what worked for you in the past will not work for you going forward.  So break away from the peer pressure and cross that blue line from dark into light and then accept whatever consequences might occur as a result of your foolish service of the dark side.

You who fall into category #4: There is no saving you and we do not intend to waste one ounce of our precious time or energy trying.  F#$% off and d!3.  Or just f#$% off.  Its your choice, really.

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