Saturday, September 13, 2014

NRA was once considered the lunatic fringe right, now "the good guys"?

While the credit portion of the money supply was growing, the liberal movement was growing.  The liberals believe in centrally controlled, state mandated collectivism - a hive based society where the nanny state controls everything using the threat of physical force and the self empowered critical thinking individual is treated not only an outcast but also a threat.  Why a threat?  Because the conservative individual does not allow central-think to control him and would rather shoot it out (if no other choice is available) than live like a slave in a hive.

But now I think we are in an era of peak credit and that is ushering in peak liberalism.  I for one could not be happier about it as I personally felt like I was getting squeezed into a smaller and smaller corner.  The threat of the supremely powerful police state was real for me.   I felt that this threat was growing until very recently.   However, I am now feeling the reversal and I see it playing out rapidly in many areas.

For example Austin police are now being mandated to take animal killing training.  Basically, they made such a habit of killing people's pets just because they could that the herd reacted and the blow back has now arrived.  While training itself is not a cure, it is effectively a public admission that the department is feeling pressure from the tax paying public about the pet killing epidemic.   It means that any pets killed by Austin police going forward will have to be reviewed relative to the new rules.  It means that "officer xyz shot the animal because he was in fear of his safety" will no longer be accepted as a catch all justification.  The training will continue to be amended and the rules modified and violators called out until peticide essentially stops.

There are many other examples of this reversal happening but the one I mentioned in the post title was particularly interesting to me because the NRA is now positioning itself, and quite effectively IMO, as a "good guy" in the public safety business.  Check out their latest propaganda video.  Yeah, it's propaganda.  No, I don't like propaganda because it plays on people's emotions instead of appealing to their intellect in order to make a point.  But like I said before, the swing to the right is not going to be all good.  It will have massively stupid stuff associated with it just like the left swing did.  Generally the stupid stuff starts off sounding pretty good and then power hungry bastards take advantage of that acceptance to turn a personal profit.

In any case, what you have in that video is a clean cut, well spoken good looking black guy talking about family and neighborhoods.  Let's not dwell on the fact that the NRA has been positioned by the left in the past as the new KKK!  To use a black guy as a spokespawn err, spokesperson shows that the NRA is really color blind (which to be honest I think it currently is).  The speaker is clearly positioning the NRA as a peace keeping, protection force.  He's saying, if you are a good guy, join us and be even better as part of an organized fraternity.  He's also saying, if you don't want to join us, at least don't hate us because we might save your stupid ass some day from the bad guys.  Why would we protect you instead of just looking out for ourselves?  Because we are the good guys, of course!

I know where this is going but not where it will eventually end up.  There are many possible outcomes but here in the early stages I view it as acceptable.  Let's face it, with reduced budgets, that portion of the police force that is not corrupted dog shit will not be there when you need them.  They will be there to clean up the mess, take away the dead bodies and of course file charges but they will not be there to save you.  A local NEIGHBORHOOD citizen's police organization is much more likely to be available when you need help.  And make no mistake, that is just what the NRA commercial is telling you: "we are a citizen's police force".  Look at the guy in the video!  Is that a SWAT-like cap he's wearing?  And who wears epaulettes these days except police and military?  It is completely obvious where this is going.  This guy doesn't just want to own guns for himself, he wants to keep and bear arms for the betterment of society...

During the liberal credit growth years, the liberals did everything they could to smash the NRA.  The NRA showed a great deal of maturity, (quite effectively) battling the liberals in the courts instead of sending armed men into the streets.  They accepted a position of relative obscurity in our society and they let the insults that were hurled at them by the gun grabbers like Diane Feinstein and other ultra liberal jerks fall on seemingly deaf ears.  But the NRA now senses what I sense even though I doubt that they understand the economic mechanics underpinning the change.  So brace yourself for an NRA resurgence that is mos def coming.  They have been so repressed by the left for so long now that I expect them to uncoil like a highly compressed spring.   The video claims 5 million members today.  How much do you want to bet that this turns into 30 million members within 3 years?

Don't be too surprised to find that the NRA begins using its new influx of members and membership dues to greatly expand its operations.  I predict that the NRA will begin organizing and funding armed citizen's patrols which, at first, will be beneficial in filling the gaps in coverage that exist under current police services.  In some cases they will even take down the local police for corruption.  The NRA will develop infrastructure not only for personal protection but also for solving crimes with lab support, etc.  In other words I think they will try to displace our current police forces with privatized, self funded services.  They will be seen as efficient, effective and low cost and thus the public, even the liberals, will eventually accept them as a good thing.  Whether it stops there or goes on to grow into something evil is a coin toss.  Power, it seems, does corrupt we mortal humans.  But for the time being it represents a positive direction.

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