Friday, September 19, 2014

More NRA do gooder videos: free press needs to protect the people against government corruption.

I'm telling you (rides through on a horse)... "the conservatives are coming, the conservatives are coming".   It gets more obvious every day that the reversal of the Debt State is nigh and with it will come decentralization of power.  Scotland won't secede (yet) but they sent a strong message to the elite: you are screwed without the ability to amortize your inflation game over a large group of people.  As a result, power will be decentralized even more than it has been over the past few decades.  And while it might not stop the fighting, a similar thing has been offered to the rebels in Ukraine.  For the hat trick I will also point out that Larry Ellison (known to be a tyrant and a king at Oracle, inc.), stepped down as CEO and two others stepped into the CEO office "two in a box".  So as you can see, we are now in a wave of decentralization of powers.

Today's NRA video is more evidence of same.  Their message is simple: the main stream media no longer represents the people as a civilian watchdog agency over the government.  Now the reporters do as their puppet bosses tell them and we have news theater.  It worked while the mind was numbed with artificial prosperity due to a rising money supply due to ever expanding debt but now the NRA is taking the fight to the people.  The NRA has realized that a great awakening is upon us and that means they are smart.  They of course will not want to let the crisis of collapsing society go to waste and so they will fill the void with decentralized power, including armed men and women who know how to handle firearms every bit as well as the police state.

It won't be long before we begin seeing the main stream media clique break ranks.  It won't be because they want to, it will be because of collapsing profits.  The herd wants a conservative government watchdog function to re-emerge out of our liberal but dying press and so the herd will begin to see real news stories popping up which have obviously not been edited or censored by Rupert Murdoch and his merry band of elites.  The investigative reporting will re-ignite the police to do their jobs as well, even if their elite buddies are going to get taken down as a result.  Loyalties will be changing very soon and very publicly.

People currently believe the elite are all powerful but I know and have long known that the herd is where the power is, not in the small packs of lions that hunt them.  The lions and the wildebeests both forget just how powerful the herd actually is once it SELF ORGANIZES and begins taking DIRECTION FROM WITHIN its own members instead of listening to and reacting to the outside growling and howling of the lions.  That's what these NRA videos are, folks.  They are evidence of the growing self-organization of the herd.  Now that I see all of this coming together, I will go join the NRA this weekend and put their bumper sticker in my rear view window as a symbol (the power of symbololy cannot be overstated IMO) to any police that I am part of the up and coming herd.  Next time I get a traffic ticket I can then record the cop's face (in-car HD DVR of course!) as he sees the sticker (and all the others like it that will be popping up all over the place soon).  Won't that be fun!

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