Sunday, September 28, 2014

Judge refuses to protect fascist police and doctors in "war on drugs" anal rape case.

You might not know it but in several states like Arizona, New Mexico and apparently Tennessee as well, the cops have been colluding with medical establishments in order to gain convictions of suspected drug traffickers.  In a morality-free "end justifies the means" kind of world, the cops would arrest someone on some level of suspicion (or simply because they had nothing better to do), roll them on over to the hospital and then get complicit doctors to do all manner of x-rays, intrusive cavity probes, etc. in order to try to gain evidence against the victim, errrr, suspected criminal.  In all cases, even those where no drugs were found and no charges were brought, the victim was billed for outrageous amounts of medical "service" ($6000 in this case from NM).

Today is the beginning of the end for that scam as a TN judge ruled that "just doing my job" will not be considered an effective defense by police and medical bastards when charged for their immoral and unconstitutional acts.   Importantly, the cops claim that the searches turned up drugs.  While I am skeptical of any kind of "proof" that the police come up with when having such proof would justify their actions, it is telling that the court did not take this (potentially trumped up evidence) into account.

To treat a fellow human being like a sack of meat in order to get some bonus points in the war on drugs quota system or in order to charge a ridiculous medical fee is so depraved that a money settlement is not good enough.   This should result in big time jail.  And of course for a small percentage of the population, that will not suffice.  A more physical form of retaliation will be required.  I don't hope for it but I know where it leads to.  This kind of tyranny is simply contrary to the DNA of a significant segment of the population; they will not stand for it once they are made aware.  Unfortunately for the con men playing these games, empty stomachs and lack of credit-goosed opportunity is turning the herd ornery and dangerous.

As I predicted a good while ago and as I have pointed out with links on many occasions on these pages, the pendulum shift back toward conservatism is underway.  The centurions for the parasitic elite used to be able to do whatever they wanted to and their departments would step in as a shield between a mostly sleepy public and the individual perpetrators.  Those days are fading fast because if the department heads don't prostrate themselves and do 10 mea culpas in front of the cameras today, the media begins to ask now if they are qualified to remain in their positions.   Just ask the police chief of Ferguson about that right now.

It will not be very long before police begin to be slapped with criminal (not just civil) charges for their actions.  I predict that there will be some high profile cases of police officers getting convicted of murder for things that they used to do on a routine basis: killing unarmed people like it was nothing just because their testosterone level was elevated.  I believe that the mood of the herd is changing and that the notion of "police as protector" will widely be discounted by the public who will suddenly realize that ISIS terrorism is a joke compared to police terrorism of the population.

The mid term elections coming up are going to be very telling.  Many consider that the DEM:GOP races will be very close.  I predict that the GOP will gain ground and perhaps take majority of the Senate but that libertarians will be the big winners here since most GOP are just conservatives in name only.  The rise of the libertarians will send a message to the GOP members that real conservatism is making a huge come back and they will fall over each other trying to pose as true conservatives.  What would be really telling would be if long time GOP RINO liberal John McCain (my definition of "liberal" includes warmongers because war is a lean toward consumption and debt over production and savings) gets shown the door.  Perhaps it is too early in the pendulum swing to expect that but one can always hope.  Stranger things have happened.  The faster the bottom falls out of the debt Ponzi the faster the change will occur.

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