Saturday, September 20, 2014

I will not comply

The title of this post contains important words for Americans to become acquainted with.  They basically notify the jackbooted enforcers of the bureau-state that they can from now on just go crazy with all the laws and regulations they want because they just don't matter anymore.  They can fill toilet paper rolls with volumes of stupid laws because they don't count, they won't be obeyed, have a nice day.

The authorities can take on 1, 10, 100 or even 1000 "belligerents" but what if it is 10,000 in each city of 200, 000?  Rotsa ruck, chuck.  That might sound like a lot of people but it's only 5%.  The bureaucrats and police criminals are only powerful when they have all the odds in their favor.  When it even begins to look like a fair fight (cough cough Bundy Ranch cough cough), the police state beat a hasty retreat while all of the citizens yelled obscenities at them, laughed in their faces and flipped them the bird a few thousand times.

"I will not comply".  These words are being heard more and more around the country and those who are saying it are looked at with increased respect by the rest of the herd.  This used to be the mantra of the lunatic fringe but now it is starting to look like the new pledge of allegiance.  Allegiance to the country is not necessarily allegiance to Dear Leaders.  You want to know the reason that the liberals have slowed down on their negative snap judgements about people who don't just fall in line with the party rules?  It's because people who used to trust the state and believe in Dear Leaders and who thought that anytime someone was gunned down by the police must have deserved it somehow are waking up.  Some are doing the mea culpa dance.  Others are getting angry.  But all of them feel like they were betrayed and in fact they were, even if they remain clueless about the nature of the betrayal.

For example a blog site saying I will not comply with Obamacare.  The essence of the statements is "I will not comply because I am a free citizen of the United States, not a subject of its government.".  Oh oh.  Better watch out you useless bureaucrats.  America is not the first country where the people are deciding that government illegitimate but it's the first WIDELY ARMED country to do so.  The founding fathers foresaw this day and they left us well equipped.  When the people no longer will listen to you, your power is gone, plain and simple.  In countries where the people have allowed themselves to be disarmed, the government just sends in the troops with guns and the people are helpless and so they either cower in fear and intimidation or they are shot in the face without any chance to defend themselves.  Life seems cheap in other countries because if you are unarmed, it IS cheap!  But Bundy Ranch proved that the people of the USA are not only not helpless, they are in fact fully able to self organize to fend off government attacks on the people and our property.

"I will not comply" is the ultimate statement of freedom, of self-determination.  If something does not make sense and I am ordered to do it, I will not comply. If something violates the constitution and I am ordered to do it, I will not comply.  That is what every American should be saying no matter if they work for themselves, a corporation, the police or the military.  If someone threatens me with the use of force in order to do these things, I will defend myself.  If the police are involved then I know I am immediately under threat of deadly force and I will keep that in mind as I respond with an appropriate defense strategy.

Here is a CT veteran who, when forced with new laws limiting his right to keep and bear made it clear to the mealy mouthed bureaucrats: I WILL NOT COMPLY.  His question to them was key: "What are you going to do about it?"  Let the sheeple comply because I will not do it.  If you try to use force on me to get me to comply, I will defend myself in any way needed.  In addition, I will not be intimidated.  Here is a Kentucky Sheriff saying he will not comply with unconstitutional federal laws.

I will not comply with tyranny.  That's step one.

Step two is where individuals begin to band together, to self organize in their own defense.  Then a series of individual "I will not comply" statements become "We will not comply".   An example of this is where Utah sheriffs said not only would they not comply but they would lay down their lives if needed in the protection of others who would not comply.  Of course what they really meant is that they would shoot to kill any feds who try to force their unconstitutional laws using threat of force to generate compliance.

People are forming or joining organizations so that they can add their voices and their financial support to the battle cry "we will not comply" and furthermore, "if you don't like it, too damned bad".  People are becoming less and less intimidated, more angry and more dangerous to the powers that be....Just like the water buffalo at Kruger vs. the lions (LEOs).

We ain't seen bad yet, but it's coming.  Any of you good police out there pay attention:  Now is the time to step forward and to make your convictions known.  Now is the time to add your voice to those of us stating that we will not comply with government tyranny.  Now is the time to talk to your brothers in blue and win some hearts and minds and not comply when given the illegal, unconstitutional or immoral orders to do something wrong to the people.

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