Monday, September 29, 2014

Even the Hongkongese are rioting now.

I've been warning for years now that global civil unrest was going to result from the pump and dump policy of fractional reserve banking.  Just search this blog for "riots" and "civil unrest" and you will find posts like this one which stated, "...Both avenues lead to the same result – depression and heavy handed government which tries to put down the civil unrest commonly associated with sudden poverty.".  

The Chinese housing bubble is rolling over and this is causing Chinese leaders to try to expand their control over Hong Kong in order to extract more profits from the vibrant economy there. They have expressed their right to install puppet leaders over the Hongkongese.  China is now looking for spare change under every couch cushion in order to try to maintain the appearance of 7-8% growth in a 1% growth (or worse) global economy.  This plan is doomed to fail and the Chinese leaders have two choices: try to repress the people with force or let free market forces clear up the massive, massive bubbles that they themselves have created and perpetuated.  Unfortunately, option 2 might result in them being killed in the streets by starving peasants.  Thus, option 1 seems more likely at this point.

None of this would be happening if we had an honest global money supply and it is no coincidence that similar riots have been happening all over the world for the past couple years.  The credit Ponzi is terminal and the marginal players have been hit the first and the worst.  Now the less marginal players will also feel the impact.  Nobody will get out of this unscathed and you can thank the military industrial complex and its economic attack dog, the federal reserve, because this is the group which needs fraudulent money in order to grow as big as it has.  Without fiat currency and fractional reserve banking, nobody could afford to build all of these weapons and fight all of these wars and make all of these generational enemies.  Fraudulent money is clearly a crime against humanity and we are all victims.  Wake up people.

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