Saturday, September 13, 2014

Demonizing Russia - a play to sell more western natural gas to Euroland?

We are all now supposed to hate evil Putin.  That is what we are told by the media, blah blah blah.  Hint: whenever our mainstream media tries to make a point, look for the real truth in the opposition.  If you look fairly at the Ukraine situation, the western powers started the troubles by fomenting a takeover of Ukraine by a western puppet leader.  How could Russia just sit there and accept that?

In any case, I usually try to follow the money in these cases.  Russia's big stick in this conflict (short of outright military action) is energy.  Much of Euroland counts on massive inflows of Russian natural gas in order to stay warm during the harsh winters.  There is nothing like lack of food, water or warmth to control a population.  We just need these things so much that without them we as a species are basically useless.

So, as the Pope says WW3 is essentially already underway, the western powers continue to try to make it official by goading Russia into a fight with ever-expanding sanctions that target its energy exports.   Notice how the BBC news article refers to the Ukrainian situation as "a crisis".  Well, you never want to let a good crisis go to waste, right Obama?  The real crisis is coming: a very cold winter in Europe that will be made colder by reduced Russian energy shipments whether or not the Russians really wanted to reduce them!  The sanctions will have the "chilling" effect of reducing energy flows.  That will cause a crisis in Euroland.

Well, no crisis is artificially generated without some plan to come in as a knight in shining armor to fix it which is why I suspect that the US government is now colluding with the natural gas corporations of America.  Natural gas is very abundant in the US - so much so that natural gas prices are in the toilet as shown by the UNG ETF chart below. 

T. Boone Pickens has been unsuccessfully trying to use this glut as an excuse to get America to convert its infrastructure over to natural gas for many years now.   Since that has not worked, perhaps the US is looking for new customers for all of our gas?  One way to do this would be to disable the current supplier and then get desperate consumers into a crisis situation wherein they will take on more debt in order to bring a new, white knight supplier online at great expense and in the name of national security.

At least that is the story I would be pushing if I were one of the con men running this show.  Don't be surprised if someone comes up with some plan to create a new super cross Atlantic pipeline or some new LNG scheme designed to enable more US, and dare I say it, newly found Israeli natural gas to replace Russian output to the cold European customers.  OH, WAIT!! I just googled it and the idea has already been floated.  How convenient.  How predictable.

Bottom line, the Ukraine conflict was created and promoted by the west in order to plug holes in our failing economy at the expense of the current Russian providers.  Well, it all sounds like good business but since it was orchestrated not by private business but rather by government intelligence and military means, that effectively makes it an act of war.

Russia can either just eat it, let its energy exports collapse while its energy-export-driven economy crumbles or it can push back in any way it sees possible or required.  Think they will just roll over and play dead???  THINK AGAIN.  We are literally driving them to war.  We are taking a big, sharp, pointy stick and jabbing it repeatedly into the bear's face and then when it reacts we shout from the rooftops what a mean and temperamental bear it is.  I hate these liberal passive-aggressive tactics.  I hope Russia finds intelligent ways to counter this threat so that it does not have to resort to armed conflict but to be honest I think the chances of avoiding a major war are pretty much zero.

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