Thursday, July 10, 2014

Yellen's strategy: I hope things will improve.

It's amazing how quickly things change.  We are told just a few days ago how wonderful the economy is with this great (cough cough mostly bullshit) jobs report, blah blah blah.  Of course, the numbers are all being gamed in order to boost confidence because the con men running the show know that confidence is all that holds a con game together.  The global debt Ponzi is entering the collapse phase right now.  I know it.  Anyone who knows anything about economics knows it. Everyone else who listens to the talking heads thinks things are great and only getting better.  People like Ron Insana explains why stocks will continue to go up.

And then out of the blue we get a different headline: Janet Yellen paints a gloomy picture for U.S. economy.  Yep, the mood of the herd is definitely changing.  Economic darkness is about to fall across the land.  You think the tens of millions of boomers out there who got the crap scared out of them during 2007-2009 are going to just ride out the coming turbulence?  Think again.  They are reading these headlines and Mark sr. is saying to Patsy sr. "at the first sign of real trouble we are getting our money out of the market.... we don't have many years left to recover from another 2007-2009 style blood bath".

Now, we all know that the market hangs on every word coming from the fed head.  Why??  Because in the past, before the federal reserve's balance sheet was loaded to the gills with crap assets, the fed really did have the power to move markets.  This is why even now the market will listen to what the fed says even though it is clear that the fed is out of gas.  If they continue with QE, asset prices will go higher, the middle class will go to zero and the pitch folks will come out.  It's as simple as that.  They don't want to stop the game, they are simply afraid to continue to grow the wealth inequality.

And now a tangent: There is one reason, and one reason only that the US will find it very difficult to ever get as bad as most countries in the world even though we suffer from the same kind of fake money supply.  That reason is the existence of an armed populace.  When those in charge do not see any credible threat of revolt from a disarmed public, what stops them from just screwing the helpless citizens into the ground, over and over and over again?  The citizens can cry and complain and have hunger strikes and all that other useless crap but the tyranny and injustice will go on and on endlessly unless the people have at least the credible threat of armed revolt.  Why do you think it is the same countries over and over and over again having the despotic leaders who make their lives miserable? Simply because the people are not broadly armed and there is no credible threat of revolt.

Nobody wants to see armed revolt and I certainly don't advocate it.  I am just reminding people of the lessons of history.  It is the nature of man never to give a sucker an even break and an unarmed person is a walking, talking sucker who is an easy target for any kind of organized crime.  I recommend that each American citizen buy a gun legally, learn how to use it safely from a qualified instructor, and stay proficient with it at the gun range on a regular basis.  There are two things that I consider basic patriotism and that is one of them.  The other is to store your retirement wealth outside of the fraudulent money supply so that it cannot be used as reserves in the fractional reserve con.

Well, back to the hanging on every word of the fed.  Check out this choice bit from the Yellen article linked above:

"When asked what the Fed or the federal government could do to break out of this rut, Yellen evaded the question at the Fed’s press conference on Wednesday, saying that she hoped the damaging effects of the recession–like exaggerated long-term unemployment and damaged household credit worthiness–would wane as time passes."

First off, the morons asking for the fed or the government to "do something" should all get fired from their reporting positions.  The government and the fed got us into this mess. Don't ask the fox to protect the hen house, people.  But then the article says Yellen "evaded" the question.  Does this sound like a strong fed to you?  Greenspan evaded every question but nobody ever wrote that about him.  Why?  Because he used the art of the con in order to respond definitively while saying nothing.  He never appeared evasive or without a quick response.  He was a professional con man and Green-speak was an art form to him.  Bernanke likewise rarely appeared to be on the defensive.  He would just deny whatever claim outright.

But Yellen?  The bat faced disposable fed has no real training or natural ability in running a con.  She said she "hoped" blah blah blah would happen.  FED CHIEFS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HOPE FOR AN OUTCOME!!  They are supposed to know, without any level of uncertainty, EXACTLY what they will do in response to any circumstance.  And this is true even if they know that no good answer exists.  Look at Bernanke as the shining example of this.  He told us over and over that the fed can and will unwind its balance sheet any time it wants to.  He told us he had an exit strategy but he would not reveal details.  You know why?  His "exit plan" was to leave the fed before the con went into collapse mode.  You might find that funny to read, but it is what the facts tell us.

So, Bernanke and Greenspan were just bold faced M-F liars and Yellen is just not skilled enough at the art of the con to pull it off.  Not that she won't lie if she has to but rather that if she tries it nobody will buy it. This is why I consider her disposable.  A con man who can't engender confidence won't be running a long con.  More than anything else, this is what will sink things.  Cons don't end because they suddenly become insolvent.  They are in the red from day one.  Confidence games fail when confidence is lost by Mark(et) and Patsy von Sheeple.  Yellen's horrible public communications assure that confidence will begin to plummet real soon now.

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