Friday, July 18, 2014

US government attacks FedEx for "drug running"

Along the lines of my theme that government will now start attacking corporations, see the latest news wherein the US government is charging FedEx with what amounts to drug running.  Yes, cheap is out and expensive is in folks.  Getting a good deal online does not help the establishment at all.  The government really doesn't like people buying and selling things in ways whereby they can't monitor and tax it.  What we got us here is an increasingly desperate government which has impoverished the middle class with its funny money games.  Impoverished people cannot be easily taxed.  So, who is left?  Corporations, that's who.  And so our government will scare all the good corporations away.

This, by the way, is the goal of the one world government crowd.  It is a lot of work to keep all the sheeple in line when there are borders they can cross in order to get different rules and different treatment.  When mob bosses compete against each other there is going to be wasted effort.  But, they think, if it is all one world government and all the elites are getting a fair cut of the labor of the rest of us then that will cut down on their infighting and they will have no problem keeping us labor slaves in line.

Of course it will not work because everything they do will have unintended consequences and there are a good number of people who would rather fight and die than be controlled by some bureaucratic ass hat.  But I digress.  In the case of FedEx, the alleged activities are being labeled "a conspiracy" by the government and somehow they know that Fedex gained $820 mn from the nefarious activity of delivering the mail.  The government likes to put high price tags on these charges because the penalties are double the amount allegedly gained.

Sell FedEx stock immediately because government has set its sights on robbing them.  When FedEx tries to fight them in court, the efforts will be considered "resisting" and "belligerent".  The government cannot have a big name like FedEx defend itself in court and not expect everyone else on the planet to grow emboldened to try the same thing.  The government must make an example out of "conspiratorial" FedEx and it would not surprise me to see them pull the unusual stunt of going after executives personally and holding them criminally liable with jail time and big fines.  This would send the message for other corporations to just accept the shake down or face similar consequences.

What happens here will be a lot more important that people think.  If FedEx prevails then it will be a huge black eye for the "all powerful" federal government.  Until that happens you have to expect the Feds to send every attack dog they have, including the federal reserve and its trading operations (which some now believe involve illegal trading of stocks either directly or indirectly).  The federal government is very dirty in its tactics.  It avoids fair fights at all costs.  The government knows that for the con man it is more important to win than to be right, truthful or fair.

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