Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The sheeple are being bombarded with negative messaging now. Southward, HO!

David Weidner's article today is spot on.  The implications are clear: this is an asset value bubble created by the federal reserve and everyone now not only knows it but are being allowed to say it in the open without being shouted down.  So, if this is a fed supported bull market then how can it do anything but collapse once the federal reserve stops supporting low interest rates with QE?  The June meeting minutes of the fed indicate that they are going to stop all the QE in October.  I believe it has to happen since people are now talking about "income inequality".  I think the people realize that government intervention in markets helps the rich at the expense of the poor.  Thus there will be no political will to start QE just because the markets begin to throw a tantrum (and they will).

The market is forward looking.  The market is not going to wait for QE to stop before it starts selling off hard.  The market will want to make a loud noise because it will want to test Yellen's mettle.  They will want to know if she will cave in on the QE front when the markets are panicking.  Time will tell but the charts say that no matter what happens we will be seeing some historic percentage declines on the big board over the next 24 months.

By the way, today the rich are being fed with the blood of the poor.  When things get really bad, this will be reversed and the rich will be vilified for having something when others must go without. Government will go after businesses and tell them to implement price controls. Rich people who are stupid enough to store their wealth in the system will encounter capital controls and not be able to get to their money.  Government will then start looking for whoever it might be that is easiest and cheapest enough to steal from.  For example, in Cyprus they simply said "anyone with more that 100k Euros gets a haircut".  It will be the same over here because without it the corrupt and bloated government will collapse.  If you have something to take, move it out of the system and keep it close to you where you can keep an eye on it and use whatever force might be needed to stop someone else from relieving you of it.

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