Wednesday, July 30, 2014

GOP vote to sue Obama for exceeding his constitutional powers.

Finally a move that makes sense as the GOP will now try to let the courts decide about Obama's oversteps.  I think this is a good move and far better than impeachment.  Impeachment is, in the minds of the American people, still linked to the Clinton fiasco where he was pursued with impeachment over the lies he told about his relationship with Lewinski.  That whole thing was a witch hunt that never should have happened.  Who cares who the pres screws in his spare time (or even in the oval office for that matter)?  I care whether the guy is a crook to the American people, and that's it.

While there is some risk that the courts will side with Obama, I think the pendulum has swung back away from extreme liberalism enough whereby Obama will likely lose.  I think the courts care what the people think now that the debt Ponzi is entering the collapse years.  People with pitchforks and AR-15s should not be ignored.  The courts really should not wait until someone brings a lawsuit IMO.  That leaves the burden of taking down constitutional usurpers on the backs of people and oftentimes individuals.  The courts should have the duty of rendering opinions in real time which are binding.  That doesn't mean appeals can't be filed but it does give a good idea of where the courts are leaning in a matter.

So the courts no longer get to sit idly by while Obama finishes the destruction of the constitution that GW "911 building collapse" Bush and those who came before him started.  Again, the fault is not one man, it is a string of actions by a string of men who all answered to a higher power: the money elite.  So blaming Obama as the sole instigator of executive treason is not fair.  However, he is still a treasonous sell out in his own right and in his own dealings with the country so it's of little value trying to defend him for being just one of many.  Obama may laugh it off in public but he knows this was a smart move by the GOP.  The taxpayer is demanding better treatment and soon the government will be needing the taxpayer more than ever so the taxpayer must be thrown a bone in this matter.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, impeachment is not a juridical process, though it uses some of its procedures, but a political one, for the judges are the members of the legislative branch.


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