Monday, December 23, 2013

Wealth Daily: A new revolution?

The winds of change are blowing.  As reported by WealthDaily today, the con men running the individual states are upset that the con men at the federal level have usurped all of the power by their control of the money supply.  When the feds want something done, they just beat the states over the head with our own money.  Don’t like common core?   FINE.  No extra money for you.  Don’t want to promote Obamacare?  GREAT.  We’ll spread the $4.5 billion of funds earmarked for state exchange web site development to the other states who will turn on their people and swear fealty to the federal overlords.  Add that to the $500 million already spent on the federal Obamacare web site and you have $5 billion in lost incentives for states who want to retain their freedom.

That’s $5billion dollars for freaking WEB SITES.  Imagine all the other unearned, undeserved, debt fueled slush money that must slosh around as temptation for the state level honchos to sell us out.  That’s why I see this new movement as significant.  When the money no longer has the same control over people that it used to have it means that someone, somewhere is taking a look at the longer game.  It means they realize that they are trading away trillions of dollars of real value that they could control  from their own subjects over the course of the next few decades in order to gain a few billion today.  They are in effect selling us out too cheaply.  The federal bribes simply aren’t high enough anymore given that the feds are watering down the currency left and right; the state level con men want a pay raise to make up for the valuation loss or they will threaten independence.  After all, if someone is going to get parasitically rich on the backs of the people, it should be the state level emperors and royalty, not the federal level usurpers, right?  

Yes, that’s really how they think.   It's disgusting.

Still, the enemy of my enemy and all that.

Keep in mind that it’s all about money and control.  Fine speeches by suited men mean nothing.  Follow the money, figure out who is in control and who wants to be in control and you will never be far off from a true understanding of what is going on.  The federal money is losing its moxy.  They print and print yet nothing seems to get better.   The numbers keep going up but the prosperity – the actual living conditions that these large sums used to represent – are not materializing.  It’s like native Americans selling land to the American pioneers for Wampum shells.  Now the con men running the states seem to be coming to the conclusion that they are getting screwed in the deal and they are resorting to constitutional means in order to regain control.  There are 3 possible outcomes here:

  1. This is only a power play.  State con men will, in aggregate, give it up after being offered larger bribes at some point in the process but not until some theater and show has been made.
  2. The states will succeed in winning back some power and the state:fed power sharing balance will come to a new equilibrium.
  3. The feds will play hardball and try to reinterpret the constitution in their favor.

Obama is well known for his arrogance.  It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.  At the same time, this is a bold move and politicos don’t make bold moves unless they have to.  The states could be very worried that the federal boys are about to lose control of their money con.  In that case it might be nice to have a contingency plan.

Keep in mind that the article V state convention would have the power to change the US constitution. That is major news not just for the US but for the world.  You open up that genii bottle only on the rarest and most dire occasions. If you start to see state level discussions about the creation of new local/state money with the name of the state as part of the currency (i.e. "The Texas Gold Dollar", etc.) then you will have good evidence that we are very near the end game.   

If the feds lose control of the money supply, they immediately become of no value to anyone.  All of the old relationships will fail without the continual grease of fraudulent cash hitting the hands of government connected criminals.   They will not let that happen easily or happily.  It would crush the US military industrial complex which is a very powerful but very top heavy organization.  Too many getting paid too much for adding too little.

All of this may sound extreme and if it does then don't roll your eyes too much.  It really is getting that bad.  The US – driven fiat currency and fractional reserve debt Ponzi is on its last legs.  The new battle may just now be forming for what will rise up from its ashes to take its place.

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