Sunday, December 8, 2013

South Korea takes us one step closer to international war

Voice of America reports that South Korea has now declared an expanded "air defense zone" which very slightly overlaps that which China recently claimed.  It's enough of an overlap to appear as resistance by S. Korea to China's territory grab without being impact-full enough to be an immediate or significant threat to China's new claim. 

Still, this kind of overlap does leave some possibility of a conflict where both countries meet their fighter aircraft within this space.  Being oriental in nature, saving face is of great importance.  I suspect S. Korea would not have made this move without assurances from the US, who is likely neither surprised nor happy about China's growing global demands. Read the above link.  It quotes Biden as saying "Barack Obama's new security strategy ... emphasizes a shift, or "pivot", towards the Asia region in recognition of China's growing military power."  In other words, villifying China for things that the US routinely does in the name of "peace".  What a total asshat hypocrite. 

The real threat here was laid out by Prechter in his book, "Conquer The Crash".  In short, human mood is simply ready to turn south and one of the historical results of this is major wars.   The collapse of the global debt Ponzi was predicted by Prechter to cause a return to nationalism and protectionism despite many calls from politicos regarding the negative effects of both of these.  

While the stock markets have been going up in the US since 2009, everyone knows that it is only because Bernanke is giving money to banks upon which they can create loans for themselves or others to speculate in the stock markets.  The minute the fed tries to taper is the minute all the leveraged gamblers take at least some of their chips off the table.  As markets fall, the downward spiral feeds on itself just like it did on the way up. 

As I look at these global pissing contests escalate I wonder just how much longer the markets will keep going up.  Not very much longer IMO.

1 comment:

  1. If there's one thing I came to learn in over a dozen years living in the US is that American foreign policy, especially wars, is actually domestic policy or, more specifically, electoral policy, the trump card of failed presidents ever since the Great War.


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