Sunday, December 1, 2013

Early signs of US global influence weakening.

The corrupt criminal element that is in charge of the USA is running the country into the ground.  You can see it on many fronts and you will see it increase rapidly over the next couple of years.  The desperation move for the US was its complicity in the acts of 911, which any thinking individual can see were supported by US government involvement.  There are just too many coincidences, too many unexplained facts and too many holes in the official story for anyone but an ostrich not to see it.  5 years ago when I was vocal about this to family and friends, I was in a very, very small minority.  Today, not so much.  Go read the comments of news stories and blogs.  At the very least, the people know that government is not telling the real story while more and more average people are beginning to understand that 911 was an inside job (and why it was done).

In my view, 911 was an act of desperation.  The bankers saw the dot bomb bubble taking their Ponzi down with its collapse and so, like bankers have always done before, they did "what was needed" in order to start a war that would benefit the military industrial complex (which certainly includes bankers elite).  Well, 911 is old news now.  The con men have played it for all it is worth.  In the mean time many things have been happening that again bring the con men into desperate times:
  • Iran has been allowed to cross the self proclaimed red line.  It has been allowed to keep its uranium enrichment facilities.  This means it can continue toward making nuclear weapons which are the only protection against US invasion.
    • It is unclear to me why the US facilitated this.  What leverage does Iran have over the US?  It is just Obama making pals with the Muslims or is something larger at play here?
    • Knowing just how depraved the US leaders are, don't count out a nuclear 911 in the future: some reason to start another major war and to invoke the "go Roman" option that I have written about many times.  A nuclear Iran would be the perfect scapegoat for a nuclear false flag operation.
    • Yes, our "leaders" would do this.  Are they different from any other tyrants in global history?  REALLY?  I think not.  I think people are people the world over and that big government is like a septic tank wherein the really big chunks float to the top.
    • And so now we are hearing the talking heads talk about renewed terror concerns.  READ IT!  Feinstein says "There are new bombs, very big bombs, trucks being reinforced for those bombs".  How can conventional munitions in the middle east be any kind of terror threat to those of us in the states?  THEY CAN'T.  The only real terror threat is a nuclear weapon.  After having basically gotten away with 911 without any prosecutions, the con men could easily be emboldened to up the stakes with a nuclear false flag operation in order to scare the herd into continuing to back them.
      • I say this: if we get a nuke attack on US soil then the US government should be held accountable either for doing it or for causing it with its ridiculous foreign policy of control.  As Ron Paul often warned/warns us, the founders told us to trade with others but to avoid "foreign entanglements".  The current US policy version of this is to go play the "knockout game" in every single country in the world.  
      • If we get a nuke false flag operation, do like the Thai people: surround the capital and throw the bums out.  Do not accept global war as the only option.  It will not end well for us this time because we do not hold the moral high ground anymore
  • China has been hoarding gold at an unprecedented rate.  I caution you not to forget the old rules because they were the naked truths.  I specifically refer to the golden rule: he who has the gold makes the rules.  You might not think we live in a gold backed economy but I know that we never really left it.  Gold was simply pushed underground where it has remained money for the financial elite.  It takes energy to do this, much like holding a beach ball underwater.  It is in fact an unnatural act.  The energy to suppress gold is rapidly waning while the golden beach ball is getting bigger and bigger because of China's hoarding.
  • China recently claimed air space over the disputed islands with Japan.  The US smugly overflew that space without following the new rules.  Go READ the link!  Some disposable Pentagon asshat named Col. Steve Warren is quoted as saying, "We will not in any way change how we conduct our operations".  He also added that the U.S. maintains that the newly expanded ADIZ is in international waters."  Big talk indeed but quite warranted if all you are looking at is China's military power.  
    • Based on this bravado, Japan and S. Korea followed suit.  
    • Then there was a dead pause in the action of a few days followed by the US recanting its smugness and telling everyone to follow China's rules.  Do you think this was a coincidence of some sort?  REALLY?  Not no but Hell No.  
    • This is China telling the US "you might (currently) be a stronger military power than us but, buddy, we got the gold.  And if you don't want us to back the Yuan with gold right here, right now, you will back the Hell down and you will do it publicly.  Capiche?  Again, this is more than obvious to anyone paying attention.  
    • THE ARROGANT US MILITARY DOES NOT BACKPEDAL ON ITS POLICIES LIKE THAT.  We were coerced into it.  If China backs the Yuan with gold (which is what all this gold hoarding was always about) the dollar will either have to be backed with gold or go worthless OVERNIGHT.  
    • This is like starting nuclear war and there is a good chance that that is exactly what it would lead to.  A worthless dollar would no longer buy imports and worthless dollars would be of no use to the world anymore so they would come flooding back to to the US.  A loaf of bread could become $20 literally within a matter of weeks.  That is not an exaggeration.  The US is running a massive debt Ponzi and China, with its new gold hoard, has the power to call bullshit.  That is and always has been the unique and unmatched power of gold: to drive honesty into any financial situation.
    • At the very least, a gold backed Yuan/Renminbi would force an audit of the US gold reserves in order to determine the possibility of counterbalancing the gold backed Yuan with a gold backed dollar.  I think China knows that the US has been running a fractional reserve gold scam.  I think China knows that an audit would prove that the US has a lot of gold on hand but that most of it belongs to someone else legally.  China's gold holdings would be real; the US gold holdings would be exposed as a sham.  Bam! Instant loss of global standing and credibility.  Bam!  Instant loss of the dollar being the world's reserve currency.  The US would have to expect massive inflation immediately and hyperinflation within 18 months.
    • Don't expect China to be all that humble in this matter.  They have labored as slaves under the fake US money game for decades.  They will begin demanding more and more.  Their military spending will skyrocket and they will bring themselves to the point of being able to defend from any US attack.  Once they are stable financially and militarily, they will start making the rules for the world.  Why?  Because he who has the gold makes the rules!
  • The US is even afraid of Snowden!  Look at the recent statements by General Hayden: "...Hayden said he has no reason to doubt reports that Snowden has a doomsday cache that will be unleashed if he is caught or punished for leaking American secrets."...  "This is catastrophic for the safety and the security of the American nation" "Still, he doesn't think the U.S. government should back away from pursuing Snowden. To do so, he said, would be like "negotiating with terrorists."" 
    • I really don't know where to start with this since it is so chock full of important information.  First and foremost, the US government is the terrorist here, not Snowden.  What "terror" did Snowden cause?  None.  Zero.  EXCEPT IN THE HEARTS OF DISHONEST SCUMBAGS, that is.  In there the terror level is quite high it seems.
    • Next, what the heck is a "doomsday cache"???  Remember, this is a top General saying this!!  This is clear admission that he knows damned well that the US closet is full of skeletons, probably including proof of US involvement in 911.  How can truth be a "doomsday" event unless the person calling it that is a traitor?  Doom is in the eye of the beholder!  Doom for the con men is freedom for the rest of us even though we should expect significant upheaval (sickness, death, social disorder) in the process.  Freedom isn't free and it never was.
    • Finally, and this is pretty incredible, we all know the old saying that knowledge is power.  Well, listening to Hayden it is clear that knowledge has given Snowden a doomsday weapon against the con men running the show.  Say it again this time aloud: "doomsday cache".  General Hayden's words, not mine.  Not conspiracy anything.  Plain old fact from someone who is in a position to know (Hayden).  A doomsday weapon is one that gives the holder the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) option.  Anyone with this power is effectively a global power.  In summary, Hayden just effectively declared Edward Snowden and his organization of leakers to be a global super power.  I am sure Snowden would already be dead if DC wasn't convinced that his death would set off the doomsday weapon of truth.

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