Wednesday, October 23, 2013

NFLX has likely peaked.

In this last post on NFLX, I rejiggered my EW model slightly under the assumption that I was off the count by 1 rail bump.

Today's chart looks like this updated model is now playing out.  Note that the thin green line was the chart model prediction from the last post.  This will become obvious if you click on the back link to the prior NFLX post that I provided above.

I hope this chart shows people that the value of a stock could be $1000 or $10 because it's all vapor, blue smoke and mirrors.  There is no value in NFLX shares except what a greater fool will pay.  This is true because it pays no dividend and likely never will.  Unfortunately, most of the stock market operates like this.  Thus, an 80-90% Dow or S+P crash is easily possible because 90% of the market cap of the stock markets is unsupported by anything even semi tangible like a dividend. 

This is how everyone who foolishly has all of their retirement money in the system is most likely going to get a wake up call that they have been a patsy for the last 40 years.  The markets will crash and they will not recover in the boomer's lifetimes simply because there are no greater fools with means to buy their worthless stocks from them.  I repeat: trading might be fun but long term ownership of stocks is a scam.  Physical gold and silver bullion coins are the only real way of saving anything for the long term that has ever been proven safe and effective.  They can never go worthless like stocks can unless we get a Mad Max world in which case I hope you have some food, guns and ammo in your portfolio.  Fortunately I only see a 5% chance of that happening.  But it's also not zero percent...

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