Wednesday, October 30, 2013

More gullible idiots figuring out the scam the hard way.

I don't know what everyone was thinking when they gave Obama the go-ahead to frack up the entire health care system.  It just angered me beyond imagination that Obamacare was allowed to pass, especially when I heard Pelosi say "you have to pass the bill before you can read it".  It was like watching a comic book come to life.  I was blown away. 

For a while I thought that the powers behind the socialist movement must be stuffing the ballot boxes.  I mean, who in their right mind could not simply listen to Obama make all of his impossible promises without thinking "yeah, more hot air from yet another politico".  But now I see people stepping forward after figuring out they got lied to and I see real hurt.  I posted on this before and today I want to highlight that the liberal Dems who thought they were actually going to get affordable health care from the affordable care act are now balking at the sticker shock.

Let me say something very clearly: if you lie to "true believers" and they figure it out, they're done with you.  There is something in the DNA of gullible people that ensures they will be extra "hurt" if this happens.  Perhaps they just allow themselves to get to emotionally invested and then the lie becomes an assault not only on their intelligence but also on their basic belief in goodness.  When Obama lies to me, I just assume he is doing what his handlers asked him to do.  Same with Bush, Clinton, etc. all the way back to Ike.  When these guys lie, I don't get emotionally damaged because I know they are lying to some degree each time a word emits from one of their pie holes. 

So the liberal socialist sheeple are now getting their feelings hurt. One resident from Fullerton (liberal) California who was quoted in the above article said, "It doesn’t seem right to make the middle class pay so much more in order to give health insurance to everybody else...This increase is simply not affordable.Gee, it seems that social programs paid for by the ethereal concept of debt are just fine given that these people never envision having to pay off said debt.  I wonder how many times this woman has scoffed at conservatives for telling people that the only right thing to do was pay for what you consume yourself and to pay as you go.  But when the social programs (yes, Obamacare is a wealth redistribution social program) are paid for by real tax collection, well, these morons start to sound downright conservative.  Gawd, could they be any more ignorant or gullible?
 This new slap in their faces is going to destroy their confidence in the con.  Consumer mood is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.  Nobody's thinking about it now but as people read how much they are going to have to pay for health care and as they internalize the fact that they will have to do it by force of law, it will certainly affect their buying habits for Christmas and well beyond. Christmas is going to be a huge bust.  Obama and the con men assume people are saving too much money (the Keynesian "paradox of thrift") and these bastards just raised every working person's taxes (hidden behind a bogus healthcare program).  It's just that simple in their minds: with the stroke a pen, bingo!: more money in the economy for government to collect taxes on.  This is what Biden meant when he whispered to Obama "This is a big fucking deal" when Obamacare got signed into law. 

The ass hat in chief could not be more wrong.  The economy is going to shrivel up like nuts hitting ice water.  People are not a bottomless source of income.  Salaries are flat, expenses are up.  Nobody is saving for retirement like they should.  Tuition is sky high.  There is no big excess pool of liquid wealth for government to steal.  Any new taxes will come directly out of consumption.  Obama and the con men are about to figure out that patsy public has been completely fleeced, overfished if you will, and there is nothing left to take. 

Now here's the part that very few see coming: once the government figures out the people have nothing left to steal from their take home wages, they will go after the stored retirement accounts and they will go after social security.  But even those are not going to fill the ravenous maw of big government.  No amount is ever enough.  So at some point government will start cannibalizing itself.  It is going to turn its sights on larger corporations.  It's already started with its good buddy JP Morgan.  Some of the biggest fines in history were just levied on this corrupt bank.  Still the dollar amounts involved here are mere billions and the black hole of government needs trillions. 

Watch and see.  US corporations are going to be under attack from Obama in the last 2 years of his corrupt dictatorship.  Like the liberal dems who are now squealing because they thought they were going to benefit from the corruption, the big corporations will be crying the blues once Obama turns on them.  He needs to destroy property rights in order to push his socialism agenda forward and corporations are private property. 

It's coming.

1 comment:

  1. A friend of mine and I were discussing how Barry would be the end of America, not as we know it, but as we dreamt it, for it's failed to be what the Founding Father meant it to be for well over a century.

    In the 2008 election I bet with him that the American people would go for Barry. I made $1.

    Then, in 2010, I bet again with him that Obamacare would be voted in and cement the tombstone on America as total and irreversible sell out to socialism. His argument was that, in the end, Congress would do the right thing for America. I could see the glimmer his eyes that he got in civics class in elementary school. I made another easy $1.

    Then, in 2012, I bet again that the American people would reelect Barry, notwithstanding his total failure to live up to his promises and to the hype. My friend didn't want to be against me anymore.


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