Saturday, October 26, 2013

Forbes suggests that Republicans should consider enabling Cruz control

During the recent government budget theater, the dems and many of the republicans tried to vilify Texas Senator Ted Cruz for taking such a hard line stance.  Senator Cruz did not have a big list of demands.  In fact, he had only one demand: de-fund Obamacare in order to stop the train wreck from getting any bigger.

Of course the administration dug in its heels because socialism and in particular socialized medicine are cornerstones of their power base.  Of course the limp-wristed main stream GOP candidates mainly just went along for the ride.  They are more interested in not making waves than they are in helping America.  They have basically given up on America.  They just want to do nothing, get paid a lot, and then go off into the sunset on a yacht paid for with their lifetime retirement that we the people foolishly let them vote for themselves.

Both sides of this actually attacked Ted Cruz in this matter.  Senator Cruz could see that Obamacare was a scam and that Barrack Obama was not actually talented enough to make it work and so he tried as hard as he could to call attention to it and to get the people behind him in defunding it, an effective repeal of this new taxation scam and societal control mechanism.  Senator Cruz did not know at the time that the roll out would be such a incompetent disaster.  But he did recognize a con and a shifty con man when he saw one so he played the role of Senatorial whistle blower.

In response, the administration blamed him for the shutdown (even though he was there in person helping veterans move Barrycades away from the memorials) and the worthless RINO GOPs told him to "calm down" and "tone it down".   For my part, I think the animosity and volume level he was using was quite appropriate given the gravity of the situation and the long term effects it will have on our country if allowed to move forward.

Today, Steve Forbes is discussing what a train wreck the Obamacare roll out has been:

"It's incompetence from top to bottom... It starts with the top, with the president, and then everyone in the chain of command, including [Health and Human Services] Secretary [Kathleen] Sebelius... Everyone knew there were going to be problems. And then something as complex as this, you have to bird-dog it every step of the way."

Well duh.  You have an academic lawyer demanding that the entire medical system of the country be funneled through his crappy little website and what else would any thinking person expect?  The sad thing is that the web site is the easy part of any enterprise.  It's the user interface to the real engine which is where the real complexity exists.  The engine has to account for all of the eventualities, have the issue mitigation plans built in.  It has to make sure that people are getting the best information the first time.  The Obamacare website isn't anywhere close to that and it never will be because what Obama really wants is for the government to be the single payer.  He wants to turn government into a massive insurance company with nearly untraceable cash flows so that he and his cronies can control people, concentrate power, impoverish the middle class further in order to usher us all into economic slavery.  I predict that they will fix the technical problems with the web site in just a few months.  That should not be mistaken with having fixed Obamacare.  The program is a scam and the only way to fix it is to repeal it with prejudice.
Obama and his counterparts in the GOP have been given marching orders by the banking elite to transform America into an untenable, government controlled $hithole by taking advantage of the crash of the Keynesian business cycle and using it as an opportunity to concentrate power for the banking elite that they actually work for.   It is just the next step in the ongoing economic coup which Ike warned us about in his exit speech regarding the military industrial complex and which Alan Greenspan warned us about in his late 1960s essay on the link between gold and personal freedom.  Please remember these key words from that speech which occurred loooong before anyone thought of the US as a socialist country:
"The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves."

Greenspan was clearly talking about the US here.  He clearly knew that the plans of the banking elite were to create a welfare state as a mechanism of control over the people.  Since then the socialistic theme of the US has increased at an exponential rate.  The socialization of US healthcare under Obamacare is a 3rd wave upward in the march of socialism.   Ted Cruz knows this and this is what he is really fighting.  You should be fighting it too.  We all should be fighting it tooth and nail if we know what's good for us.
To be fair, Obama did not cause the current economic conditions.  Neither did Bush.  What caused it goes much further back.  In short, the root cause is a dishonest money supply consisting of fiat currency and fractional reserve lending which not only allowed but encouraged everyone to go into debt in order to have something NOW without fully realizing that they were not getting something for free.  Instead, they were simply eating their futures.  Having done that, there is less to eat when tomorrow comes.  Well, tomorrow has come.  The result is reduced consumption (AKA poverty).  This corrupt system of currency is guaranteed to fail.  It exists under the name of capitalism but it is not capitalism.  It is fake capitalism or, better still, crony capitalism.  The end goal of it was always to push the US towards socialism and then fascism.  Lenin actually educated us in this matter: "Fascism is capitalism in decline".

How can real capitalism ever decline??   In truth, it cannot.  It is a self sustaining and fully sustainable system whereby those who work hard and smart get the fruits of their labor and those who were not given exceptional intelligence at birth can still do quite well simply by working honest and hard.  In these people, their gift is their strength and their persistence.  These are as important in the survival of our species as anything else and a fair and sustainable economy automatically rewards them for it without need for government intervention.  Everyone is happy with what they earn and everyone knows their place in the social pecking order which was in fact determined by their DNA.

With real capitalism, no individual ever becomes a billionaire simply because the engine of becoming one is massive leverage and real capitalism does not allow it.  No single person can add so much value to the economy or to the future of the species that he should be so greatly rewarded.   Millions yes, billions no.  The presence of billionaires tells us right away that real capitalism is not in effect.  With real capitalism, the labor of a man is always enough to feed and clothe and to reasonably shelter himself and his family.  The presence of government assistance for people who are of sound mind and body tells us right away that real capitalism is not in effect.  With real capitalism, the gene pool is enhanced by the mechanism of natural selection.  Those with better DNA (whatever that really means to the herd but clearly apart from race or color or religion) are better able to afford larger families.  Those with poor DNA (again as voted for by the herd based on the productive output of the individual and by the value that the individual provides to society) cannot afford large families.  Real capitalism does not allow economic enslavement of others in society no matter how badly a certain percentage of the population would like to have it (and there will always be some who want it).  Real capitalism has a built in governor called the free market feedback mechanism.

Crony capitalism is completely different.  By enabling "special people" to be able to print money (or credit) from thin air and at their sole discretion, they are able to effectively set prices for labor.  That ability completely ruins any free market pricing discovery that is such an essential part of real capitalism.  Without that free market feedback mechanism, the odds are set against the people.  As a result, the people begin to lose to the house.  We call it the disappearing middle class.  It is sneaky and insidious.  The vast majority of the people have no idea why it is happening or what to do about it because it can take thousands of hours of detailed study in order to really understand the truth, but they certainly know they are getting screwed in the deal.  So when a slick con man in a suit asks them to sign up for a something-for-nothing deal with the Devil, they gladly sign up because they think they have nothing to lose by doing so.  Of course, if they really had nothing to take then the Devil would not be interested in them, would he?

Crony capitalism leads to economic booms followed by economic crashes which impoverish the less capable people to the degree that they need government help in order to eat.  It creates dependent, obedient slaves.  Government rewards these people financially for having large families by taking money from the more capable people via so called transfer programs.  Thus, the gene pool is kiltered toward the creation of less capable people.  Government wants this because it can easily control a dumbed down populace.  I really think George Carlin communicated this very clearly in this video.

While the logic of these words should be obvious, some of the brain washed masses will play the "oh I can't believe you wrote that" card.  This is what I am referring to when I say "fake political correctness".  Society has been manipulated into not objectively discussing the logic of statements because that would lead to truth and understanding.  Instead, we have been pushed into reacting emotionally.  This serves to keep the masses uninformed by allowing them to mistakenly equate their emotional, uninformed opinions to fact.  This is why we have so many people commenting on popular blogs even though so few people really know what's going on: they think their opinion is worth listening to even though they have not earned the right to be heard.  They think that political correctness is more important than deep understanding.

In closing I have to say that Obamacare is not really important.  Government opinions on who can get married, whether or not abortion is OK, who is a terrorist and who is a patriot really don't matter.  Nothing matters except the honesty of the money supply and its implications to capitalism.  Everything else is a symptom.  A dishonest money supply leads to corruption, cronyism and eventually collapse.  An honest money supply leads to life, liberty and the possibility of happiness for those who pursue it.  An honest money supply shrinks the banks from being vampire squids which control everything back into polite accounting houses which control very little and are not paid very much at all.  An honest money supply eliminates the need for 98% of the need for welfare and focuses it on those who are mentally or physically incapable of working.

All of the societal ills that are caused by the use of a fraudulent money supply are automatically fixed by the free market when honest money is used.  This is why Ron Paul, apart from pretty much everyone else, focuses on ending the Federal Reserve.  If we end the fed and replace our money system with something that is backed by a commodity and which does not allow fractional reserve banking, all these other symptoms will simply evaporate in short order.

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