Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Forbes: laying the ground work for wealth confiscation.

Forbes reports today on something right out of the conspiracy theorists (AKA informed visionary) handbook: a global plan for how to steal your wealth in order to pay for their excess spending.  What's incredible to the point of being hilarious about the whole thing is the matter of fact way that they talk about the need for this theft and all of the ways that it might be accomplished.  It is the modern day equivalent of a young Al Capone showing up in your street business with 3 armed thugs demanding protection money.

You see, governments actually think they own the stuff that we paid for.  They tried to show us this recently in the US shut down where they actually spent more money on barrycades and park rangers trying to keep people out of national monuments and parks than if they had just stayed home and let people visit unmolested.  The problem that they know about is that WE DON'T NEED THEM.  If they stay home, my visit to Rushmore or the Vietnam Memorial is just as nice, perhaps even nicer.  But they want to send the message that if we don't pay them then we can't use what we already bought even though we own it and not them.  Every park ranger who followed orders to keep people out of our lands during the shutdown has committed a felony against the people of the United States.  I view it literally as a treasonous act.  The excuse of "I was just doing my job" does not cut it.  That's like Al Capone's henchmen spraying a crowded room with lead and then claiming it was just their job.

The international monetary system will soon be pulling the same $hit.  It is already a done deal that they have to because their debt Ponzi is deep into the collapse phase.  So all they are doing right now is trying to figure out the details.  They will act like we all need them soooooo badly when the truth is that the only ones who really need them are those who have allowed themselves to become dependent.  Those living off of my transferred wealth and who only get off their lazy a$$es when Wal-Mart lifts the limit on EBT card purchases will certainly suffer (and cry and complain and probably even riot) if the international monetary system and the governments which support them have to finally pay for their ridiculous debt based spending.  The rest of us will be greatly inconvenienced but then we will quickly recover.  Perhaps we will all start using gold and silver coins for face to face purchases and electronic currency like bitcoins for web based purchases.  But under no circumstances will we just live in a state of collapse forever.  Any pain they can inflict upon us will be temporary and it will certainly hurt them worse than us because it will lead to the bums being thrown out at every level.

The con men running this Ponzi can only hope to stay in charge of us by scaring the herd into compliance with their theft.  They actually need bad things to happen to us for them to be successful.  They have to convince the herd that it is in our greater good to be stolen from than to stand and fight.  One thing I do know, however, is that a 10% across the board wealth confiscation is never going to be enough.  The reason is that the only ones who have liquid savings are rich people and there simply aren't enough rich people to steal enough money from to make a difference.  Besides, rich people have high paid insider economic advisers who give them the personal warning call in time to get to safety.  Do you think Sir Richard Branson just became a tax exile from GB because he wanted to stir up trouble?  Of course not!!  He simply doesn't want to be targeted with a 50 or even 90% wealth haircut "for queen and country".

Again, the con men know it will kill the economy if they raise the income tax or sales tax too much.  They know people will leave and go elsewhere.  So they have to be really careful not to attack current earnings unless it is a last resort.  Thus, they will go after past earnings as a first priority.  They will go after your savings and your retirement money.   And 10% is not going to be nearly enough to keep their hungry government maw filled with bonus bucks.  They might start with 10% but anyone stupid to believe that the camel's nose under the tent represents a one time event is a complete moron who deserves to lose everything.

I'll just note for the record that if you leave your savings in a bank then you are setting yourself up for some form of confiscation that can happen with the stroke of a pen.  But if you hold onto your own money in the form of gold and silver coins then the only thing that is likely to happen when they come looking for everyone's money is that yours will be invisible to the thieves in government and you will remain whole while everyone who did not see it coming will get fleeced.  Of course, this is how it should be.  Patsies and fools should get fleeced and those who saw it coming should take a relative step up in prominence.  This is how the herd gets stronger.  The weak are pushed aside in favor of those who bring strength and wisdom.  It's simply the way of nature.

Now, it is true that government could get so desperate that it could start going door to door searching everyone's homes for hidden wealth.  That would be the very extreme apocalyptic 1% chance event on the Gaussian curve.  While highly, highly improbable, it's not impossible.  If it should come to that then I say "molon labe" which is Latin for come and take it.  Oh, and before they send in the militarized police to try to rob me, please have them send in the park rangers who recently committed felonious treason against the American people.   I'd like to have a word or two with them.

1 comment:

  1. Why, what's wrong with spreading the wealth around... the banks, lest they fail?

    It makes me wonder if Hollande's attempt to tax the rich Frenchmen (that's where it starts, though not where it stops) at 75% was but a trial balloon.

    IMF's own Christine Lagarde made similar statements before about taxing evaders when the middle-class Greeks shifted their savings abroad to avoid being shafted.

    With these precedents, this report has probably been maturing for a while and they deemed that, for whatever reason, this is the time to come in public. Who knows how imminent to be implemented are such taxes, but their rich friends got the message.


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