Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your government controlled retirement savings are being eyed by those running the show.

The government will soon have to choose between collapse of government or stealing your retirement savings. 

They will do it in the name of protecting you but what they will really be doing is protecting the government’s ability to continue borrowing.  They will pledge your cash as collateral for the national debt just as Geithner recently pledged government worker’s retirement funds as short term backing for the national spend until the debt ceiling could be increased again.  If the interest rate on government borrowing is allowed to rise, the debt service will consume too much of our tax dollars and people will know that the US has entered the debt spiral.  The way to keep interest rates from rising is to increase demand for government debt.  That means they need new buyers at a time when confidence in the US is waning and when global profits are falling.  In other words, government knows that there will someday be a lack of buyers of its debt either because the patsies wake up to the scam or because they have no profits left to put into savings. When this happens, government’s next move will be to use retirement savings to buy the US debt.  Since many people don’t want this to happen, government will just take control in some form or fashion of the retirement system and then “invest” it all in US debt.  It will start with government workers retirements (government knows they have better control of their own employees) but at some point it will expand to every retirement dollar which has been invested in a government controlled program.

It is time to suspend disbelief if you haven’t already.  They are planning, scheming, waiting until the political environment allows it.  But make no mistake: the only value left in our debt ridden country is the retirement savings of the boomers. 

Taxes are now going up as I knew they would but not nearly fast enough to make up for massive budget shortfalls.  The proof is in the never ending debt limit increases.  Government cannot stop because debt is the fuel of the debt Ponzi and without ever increasing amounts of it the pyramid scheme will collapse.  When that happens, people will suddenly wake up to the scam and they will want answers to how we could have been told everything was alright only to end up getting screwed.  And when that happens, people will also finally begin to demand the truth about many past US government crimes against the American people including what happened on 911.   

The answer is simple: remove yourself from the Ponzi right here, right now.  Save for retirement in gold and silver coins which live outside of the scam of fiat currency and fractional reserve lending.  Once you have them, government is powerless to steal them from you without completely tipping its hand.  Such an extreme move would likely result in civil war at this point so the government will ignore the escapees as long as it can.  It will take a mass exodus from the retirement system and from the dollar for government to go after holders of real, constitutional money in the form of gold and silver coins.  Stealing that real money from the people will not be worth the effort and risk that it will occur to government con men so rest assured that gold and silver will not be confiscated.

1 comment:

  1. The language used in the Bloomberg article is strikingly similar to the one used in the UK some years ago, right after the 08 crisis, to mandate that a fraction of all retirement accounts would be made up of UK debt, "in order to protect the retirement accounts from drastic market moves..."


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