Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The truth about recent gun violence

Obama is going all out to get his camel nose under the gun tent.  IMO it's more about power and control and perception and distraction than about saving lives.  26 people recently got gunned down in a school.  That's horribly sad.  But it was done by a criminal, not law abiding, 2nd ammendment loving citizens.  The very next day, a crazy man in China killed nearly the same number with a knife.  And just recenly ~235 burned to death in a bar fire in Brazil.  But banning knives in China and banning bars in Brazil will no more stop future deaths than banning guns of any type for any reason in the USA.  Keep in mind that only 1 person is criminally responsible for the school children and teachers getting shot while in Brazil 4 people are deemed criminals in the Brazil death.

The point I'm trying to make is that you can't legislate insanity or stupidity.  All you can do is allow people to protect themselves from it in the best way they see fit.  What does this have to do with guns?  Well, look at Syria where blood is flowing like water.  Scores and scores of bodies have been found, handcuffed at the wrist with zip ties, bullet hole in the head.  In this case, the government is likely the murderer, a group of people insane with power.  This, and this alone is what assault weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens is meant to address.  How many people would have been saved if it was known up front they could not just be herded up as enemies of the state (really of the con men who are in charge) and killed, culled like livestock.

Now take a step back and think about why all the fighting is happening in Egypt and Syria.  When did it start?  That's right, in lock step with the global credit bust.  Yep, when the credit ran out, the marginal players got affected the first and the worst.  Robert Prechter knew in advance that this would happen and you will see me echoing his words in the early pages of this blog.  When the credit based money runs out, government has to break its Ponzi promises to people who in turn get mad and want change.  But government would rather not change.   So the people riot and at some point the government starts murdering them in order to retain control.

So you see, the real threat related to government controls on American citizens owning weapons is that the US government is also running a massive debt Ponzi and it too will default on its promises.  It knows that this will make people mad.  If the people are well armed then government cannot just come in and mow them down like is happening in the middle east.  Government wants to retain the right for itself to stay in power after the people clearly want it gone.

This is what the gun grab is really about.  Obama has personally ordered the deaths of many innocent men, women and children with drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  You think he loses any sleep - even 1 minute sound sleep over that?  REALLY???  You really think he gives two dirty squirts for anyone but himself?  Hell no.  He's using the death of those kids and the shooting of Giffords as political tools to sway the weak minded.  I say, balderdash!  Obama is going to have a civil war of his own if he's not careful.  Not that I want it, just paraphrasing what Prechter said was a possibility as a result of the coming credit bust when he wrote that work of genius, "Conquer The Crash" which was originally published in 2002, long before the credit bubble was even known to be a bubble by most people.

Bottom line: all of this enhanced violence of late is more about a change in social mood than the need for more law and restrictions.  All the new laws do is set the US government up to be a more effective war criminal against the American people sometime in the future.

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