Friday, August 31, 2012

"The economy stole my retirement"...

Today I read a WSJ puff piece on how small business owners are "suffering" as a result of the economy.  It was entitled "The economy stole my retirement" and it contained a few stories about how small business owners can't unload their marginal businesses on other suckers.  The whole thing made me laugh for several reasons:
  • The level of perceived entitlement by those interviewed was incredible.  They work 12 hrs a day as if they are the only ones doing this.  My laughter comes because I personally work 12+ hrs/day and often 14 or more.  The reason I am not crying like them is because I don't work in a mindless service job like they do.  The engineering I do at work is the same stuff I would do at home if I were unemployed.  I like my work and look forward to doing it.  I also know that many people in the world toil at $hitwork endlessly with no chance of ever retiring, much less retiring in their early 60s.  The guy who was interviewed said "I am so tired...I don't know that I'll ever be able to retire.".  Sir, you do not know what tired is.  You are spoiled beyond compare.
  • The business owners fail to understand that their problem is completely related to the collapse of the global debt Ponzi.  They just don't understand why "life" is so hard on them.  Poor babies!!  The one lady whose quote was used as the title for the article seems to believe that "the economy" is a living, breathing entity that is capable of theft.  What an idiot!  Lady, the economy didn't steal anything.  GREENSPAN and BERNANKE stole it with their pump and dump fractional reserve banking con.  YOU stole your own retirement by not seeing through it, fool!  The longer it takes her to figure it out, the more she is going to get screwed by the con.
  • [/RP RANT MODE ON/] I can pretty much guarantee you that nobody interviewed in the article voted for Ron Paul or even understands his message.  Otherwise they would understand what is going on instead of wondering aloud how this could be happening to them.  I'm sorry, I have zero sympathy for sheeple like them because they think they are so damned smart in voting for the Clintons and the Bushes and the Obamneys of the world while at the same time laughing at Ron Paul and making fun of his appearance and marginal speaking ability.  Instead of focusing on his ideas, his logic, his understanding of money and economics and of course his study of history, they want to laugh about how his suit doesn't fit and how he doesn't "inspire them" or look presidential.  PATSIES!!  You made your bed, now go lie in it.  [/RP RANT MODE OFF/]

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