Sunday, November 13, 2011

Open letter to the good people of Italy.

Dear Hard Working People of Italy,

It's time for your wake up call.  Getting rid of one puppet playboy con man "leader" and replacing him with an EU insider like Mario Monti is not going to solve anything.   Sure, Berlusconi was a long time public embarrassment.  He was sort of a cross between the USA's Clinton and Obama (be thankful there was no Bush component to him!).  Sure, it was frustrating as well as an assault on the intelligence of the average Italian citizen to know that he even got to power in the first place.  Who knows how this happens but it happens globally.  Only buffoons and scammers seem to get ahead in the world of politics (ever wonder why that is?  THINK!) so don't feel too badly about it.

But Berlusconi's exit and Monti's entrance is no cause for celebration.  You've simply replaced one type of political scumbag with another.  Monti is an EU company man.  He has been placed there to try to make sure you pay the debt that you have been foolish enough to take on.  Again, don't feel too badly about having been swindled into taking on big debt, the USA leads the way in the foolishness here.  Debt is the natural outcome of a fraudulent money supply made up of fiat currency and fractional reserve lending.  It allows you to consume today based on future earnings.  It makes you think you are getting something special.  But all you are getting is the shaft because when everyone has easy money to buy things it pushes the prices upward essentially devaluing your labor.  If find that you work harder but end up with less, that is the reason for it.

For anyone who thinks Monti is going to be able to  "Lead Italy Out of Debt Crisis", please tell me, how will he do this?  Italy is like any other country, it has more debt than it can ever pay back.  Again, this is not the fault of the last government but rather the natural outcome of a fraudulent money supply based on fiat currency and fractional reserve lending.  So how is Monti going to fix anything?  Does he have a trillion Euros in hiding that nobody knows about with which he can pay the debt?  Of course not.  He was not installed to do anything for you, the people.  He was installed by the bankers and for the sake of the bankers.  Don't forget that!  There is nothing he can do for you but there is a lot that he will do *to* you if you don't watch him very closely.  He will sell you down the river at any chance he gets.  That is his one and only job despite anything that he might say.

Here is the truth of the matter.  You have national debts that cannot be repaid.  It is a sham to believe that you can repay them but many parasites make good livings keeping that sham alive.  Eventually the debt will collapse and eventually the Eurozone will collapse because it was a scam from day 1.   The ONLY purpose of the EU was to enable the offering of credit to other nations so that the industrial producers of Europe (Germany and France) would have more customers to sell their production to.  Without the EU and the Euro and the lines of credit that it allowed German and French bankers to set up to people who obviously could not afford to buy their stuff otherwise, German and French growth would have been very limited.  But now that the con is falling apart, the Germans and the French no longer worry about growth, they worry about collecting payments on what they have already loaned.  And so they installed their man Monti to facilitate that. 

At this point it is clearly in Italy's best interest to just call the whole thing a scam, repudiate the debt and then return to your own national currency.  But instead of letting new con men like Monti set that up, return to the old ways, the gold ways.  Back the New Lira with gold.  Make the backing public.  Make the Italian gold publicly auditable and restrict the printing of paper money in accordance with some intelligent, predictable, auditable PUBLICLY UNDERSTOOD formula that ties it to the national gold reserves.  This will force Italians to live within their means and it will push honesty back into all aspects of your society.  I'm sure you know that many sellers on EBay will not even ship to Italy these days because the mail system is corrupt and many packages are "lost" along the way.  It is fiat currency and fractional reserve lending which promote this type of corruption because people know they are not getting what they worked for and so they seek other means to attain it.  

This debt crisis might seem to many as a catastrophe; a crisis.  I contend that it is actually a healing, a return to sanity and an opportunity to drive real, long term prosperity into your country.  Italy could transform itself into a world leader by embracing gold backed currency which is managed openly and honestly.  The banksters will not like this because it will mean they can no longer sneak outsized profits out the back door.  Politicians will not like it either because they are owned by the banksters.  You need to find your own local version of Ron Paul and elect him into the lead role and throw the EU-installed company shill out into the street.  Of course, none of this is specific to Italy.  It is as true for the USA as well.  But the world has to start somewhere.

In bocca al lupo, come a trovare la strada in avanti.

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